2D portfolio

Mountain Teahouse Concept Art // December 2022

Concept illustrations for a personal project: a stylized 3D environment of a teahouse perched on top of a mountain, inspired by bonsai, traditional Chinese scenery, and traditional architecture, as well as Genshin Impact (2020).

Concepts include the overall layout of the bonsai environment, teahouse props, teahouse architecture, and foliage.

“doublet” Animation // June 2021

Final project for Design II for Media: a hand drawn series of stills and animation of an original character going about their morning routine, set to the song “doublet” by J-pop/rock artist Eve. Storyboarded, sketched, lined, and colored using Krita. Edited in Premiere Pro.

Egg Charcoal Animation // December 2020

Final Project for Introductory Drawing. Animated by erasing and drawing over the same paper, capturing each frame using phone camera fixed overhead on a tripod.

Perspective Animation // March 2021

Final Project for Design I for Media. Background is black and white acrylic paint on Bristol paper. Sprite was hand-animated digitally frame by frame in Krita, then exported and composited into the painting in Adobe Photoshop.

Pattern Units and Motifs // April 2021

Assignment for Design II for Media, focusing on complimentary color schemes. First two units and motifs were digitally collaged together from found photos, and last two units were photographed from found objects. One pattern was replicated and composited onto a photo of a building. Digitally manipulated using Photoshop.

“Invisible Cities” Study // May 2021

Abstract designs created for Design II for Media, based off Baucis, a city in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. Created in Adobe Illustrator utilizing pathfinder, blending, opacity, and gradients.

Impossible Object // May 2021

Assignment for Design II for Media. Created and colored an impossible shape in Adobe Illustrator utilizing pathfinder and gradients.